VBS 2024 You can find Info and Registration here

Women at First

Our ministry for women

Mission Statement

To strengthen the body of Christ among women of all ages so we can know christ and make him Known.


We are so glad you've found us! Here, you will be able to find information about upcoming events, our calendar, our Monthly Newsletters, links to resources, and you can leave us a message if you have any questions!

About Us

Women at First, under the direction of Jackie Clark, leads adult women, married or single, to serve their families, vocations, and the Kingdom with the servant heart of Christ. Women at First strives to teach the truths of God through Bible studies and other available avenues.

Throughout the year, Women at First provides various events to meet the unique spiritual needs of women. Some events are conducted on church campus, while others may be held at other venues.

Sneak Peak!

We have been planning and are so excited to share with you our events for this year!

May - If you've been around a while, you know we love to celebrate Cinco De Mayo! This year, we will be hosting our third annual Cinco de Mayo celebration with lots of food and fellowship- and maybe even some salsa dancing!

Summer!! - Yes, we are already planning how we can enjoy our time together over the summer! But don't worry, it's going to be stress-free for you and we! During June and July, we will be hosting a game night, a movie night, and an Ice Cream Social. We will have dates and details posted soon.


Join Women at First as they read their way through the book of James. There is no book for this study, but we encourage you to bring your Bible and a notebook. There will be handouts available, as well, that will guide you through each week of the study.

This study will begin on May 15th and continue through the summer* until completed.

"True faith produces fruit. A faith without action and without life change is ultimately a dead faith. The book of James speaks to the realities of a living faith in Jesus—the kind of roll-up-your-sleeves and get-your-hands-dirty discipleship that is borne out of an authentic relationship with the risen Lord. James writes to believers who know suffering, who've faced trials, and who ultimately desire a deep relationship with God.

Francis Chan unpacks the dense truth contained in The Book of James in front of the iconic backdrop of San Francisco, the city where he lives and ministers. Through 12 sessions, Francis works through James verse-by-verse, challenging followers of Christ to move beyond a private, intellectual knowledge of God and His Word, to a vibrant faith that impacts every square inch of life."

Don't have a Bible? Reach out to us! We would love to help any way we can!

*Please be aware there will be weeks with no MDWK due to other church events or holidays.

**There is a way to access the weekly guide online. Please contact Randy Jackson about receiving an invite to RightNow Media.

Movie Night!

June 28th

Family Life Center

6pm | BYOC

We hope you join us for this family friendly movie night! We will be watching a classic movie that is fun for all ages: "Night at the Museum". Bring your favorite snack, drink, and a comfy chair to enjoy the movie! We will be in the Family Life Center with the movie displayed on one end of the room.

Here is a link to a faith-based review of the movie.

*BYOC- Bring Your Own Chair ;)

Monthly Newsletter

We have a monthly newsletter that comes out the first Sunday of each month. You can click the button to view the most recent newsletters. If you would like a copy of a previous month's newsletter, please call the Church Office at 850-623-3122 or email us at womenatfirst@fbcmilton.org to arrange for a paper or online copy.

Meet The Leader

Jackie Clark

Connect with Us!

We have multiple ways for you to reach someone on our team! You can reach out via email, social media, or by submitting the contact form ("Contact Us!") just below this.

Find us on Facebook at Women At First

Find us on Instagram at @womenatfirstmilton

Email us: womenatfirst@fbcmilton.org

Contact Us!